Forum eportal / edycja
Temat: Active Record Problem
Call to a member function save() on a non-object's an update action not an insert.
lets say we had a table called users: with username, password, email
I make a new instance of User
and I set via a form the username and password and email attributes - then save. This will insert into the users table.
But lets say I make a new instance of User
and I search for username="my name"
The result (if found) will auto set password="my password" and email="my email"
Then lets say I change email to email="my new email"
This time around save identifies it's an update. Hope that clears it up for you :)
Temat: Registration Forms little tips
...return true;
* @return actions to perform before saving ie: hash password
public function beforeSave()
// hash password for database.
$pass = md5(md5($this->password).Yii::app()->params["salt"]);
$this->password = $pass;
return true;
* @return actions to perform after saving ie: Send email with account info
public function afterSave()
* This is the Password
Change Email setup
$subject = "Password Change -";
$message = '
<title>SterlingSavvy Password Change</title>
body {
color: #8BB3DA;
<body style="background-color: #161616;">
<div style="margin-left: 10%; margin-top: 5%; background-color: #191919; color: #8BB3DA;...
Temat: MinevraSEO - fURL
'' );
$usercp_email_settings_rule = array(
'' );
$usercp_board_settings_rule = array(
'' );
$usercp_change_email_rule = array(