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Temat: Cholesterol pogarsza przebieg anaplasmy
...People who have high cholesterol levels may be much more susceptible to a particular disease transmitted by the bites of ticks, a new study in mice suggests. Scientists infected mice with Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the bacterium that causes human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA), a disease with flu-like symptoms. Bacteria levels were 10 times greater in mice that were genetically predisposed to high cholesterol levels and that were also fed a high- cholesterol diet. The results confirmed what the researchers had suspected – that A. phagocytophilum depends on its host's cholesterol stores for its survival. The implication is that the higher a person's cholesterol levels, the more susceptible that person may be to developing a severe case of HGA, said Yasuko Rikihisa, the study's lead author and a professor of veterinary biosciences at Ohio State University. Yet HGA is...

Temat: dlaczego są tu opty????????
...Rassoul, Richter, "Total homocysteine, vitamin B (12), and total antioxidant status in vegetarians", Clin. Chem., 2001, 47(6):1094-10; (b) D. Mazzano i inni, "Cardiovascular risk factors in vegetarians. Normalization of hyperhomocys-tcinemia with vitamin B(12) and reduction of platelet aggregation with n-3 fatty acids", Thromb. Res., listopad 2000, 100:153-60. 80. (a) L. Corr, M. Oliver. "The low-fat/low cholesterol diet is ineffective", Eur. Heart .J., 1997, 18:18-22; (b) G. Taubes, "The Soft Science of Dietary Fat". Science, 30 marca 2001, 291:5513 2536-45; (c) D.M. Dreon i inni, "A very-low-fat diet is not associated with improved lipoprotein profiles in men with a predominance of large, low-density lipoproteins", Amer. J. Clin. Nutr, 1999, 69:411-8. 81. HDL to High-Density Lipoprotein (iipoproteina wysokiej...

Temat: Za miesiąc wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego
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Temat: Warning about Cholesterol!
Hiya! :) I Have found NEEDED interesting information! Best sites related to cholesterol with information here! Great web site about normal cholesterol level. All cholesterol sites. All information about high colesterol. high blood pressure and high cholesterol high cholesterol number [url=]side effects of high cholesterol[/url] [url= cholesterol/diet-to-reduce-high...]diet to reduce high cholesterol[/url] [url=]high

Temat: Bunt L. **
Bunt L. ** low cholesterol diet and large dose b vitamins and retirement plans and gender reassignment surgery and asthma pregnenalone

Temat: Cholesterol pogarsza przebieg anaplasmy
Cholesterol pogarsza przebieg anaplasmy W badaniach na myszach wyszlo, ze wysoki poziom cholesterolu znacznie pogarsza przebieg infekcji odkleszczowej anaplasma. J Infect Dis. 2007 May 15;195(10):1497-503. Epub 2007 Apr 3.Click here to read Links High- cholesterol diet facilitates Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection and up-regulates macrophage inflammatory protein-2 and CXCR2 expression in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Xiong Q, Wang X, Rikihisa Y. Department of Veterinary Biosciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. BACKGROUND: Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an obligatory intracellular bacterium that infects granulocytes...

Temat: Dieta niskotluszczowa i niskocholesterolowa
Dieta niskotluszczowa i niskocholesterolowa NIE FUKCJONUJE !!! o czym dawno juz byli lekarze zawiadamiani przez lekarzy optymalnych. "The low fat/low cholesterol diet is ineffective" European Heart Journal (1997) 18, 18-22 L.A. Corr, Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospitals, London, U.K. M.F. Oliver, National Heart and Lung Institute, London, U.K. Sowa
