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Temat: najnowsze badania o wege: the study took place between September 1980 and January 1984. Volunteers were sent an initial questionnaire requesting information about their diet, lifestyle (smoking, drinking, work and exercise) and previous medical history. Later, volunteers under the age of 70 were asked to provide a blood sample, and in 1985-86 all participants were sent a dietary record form which they were asked to complete on two weekdays and both weekend days. As a result, blood cholesterol measurements are available for nearly 3800 participants and detailed dietary intake data are available for over 5000 participants. Diet and serum cholesterol concentration Total, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels were compared in each of four diet groups (vegans, vegetarians, fish eaters and meat eaters) in a paper published in 1987. Total and LDL cholesterol concentrations were both...
